I saw my super awesome PT yesterday and reported that not only did I not get in the run I was supposed to do, I was in more pain. Sitting at work is getting to be really painful and makes each day feel like it's so very very long. But anyway....she said I should have started to feel better by now and that even though clinically, this is really presenting as a stubborn hamstring issue, we'd better rule out a stress fracture of the pelvis just to be on the safe side.
Which is good...because I had planned to ask her when she thought I should bring my Dr. into this. This stupid hip just feels too pinchy and sore. So I was able to get an apt with one of the other Docs in the clinic since mine is on vacation next week and we'll start with an X-ray. According to Dr. Internet, you can't always see a stress fracture on a x-ray....most of the time it takes an MRI. But since it happened several weeks ago, there is a chance that if there was a stress fracture, there would be some calcification visible.
No running until after the appointment. I'll see my PT the day after so we'll talk then and figure out what our next steps are. More waiting....hummpfff. Good thing there is a ton of political theater going on right now to keep me distracted! RNC over, DNC up next -- which I suspect will not be as entertaining. Unless Mr. Eastwood shows up in NC! Heh.
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