Sunday, March 3, 2013

February: In Which I Keep Slogging Forward

Feb Miles -  34

 2013 has started off slowly....but that is ok. Winter is now almost over and it's time to start enjoying the changing season and being able to do a run after work and have it still be light!! Love this time of year....It's such a relief after all the dark runs wearing my nerdy safety gear.

Taking it slow is paying steps aren't fun to document b/c frankly, it's a little boring. And every so often, I get a little excited and over do it a bit and have to take a step back. That happened this month. I was doing well with my 4/2's and got the go ahead to do one 5/1 in the two week period between PT apts but somehow heard that I could do one a I did two runs at 3 miles with almost all running. Not ready for that and the result is that there has been increased tightness and pain. So backing off and sticking with mostly 4/2's right now is the plan. One 5/1 only...before my next PT visit on 3/12. Moving forward, slowly.

I finally got a new pair of shoes! I have been needed a pair for a while but was really unsure of what to get since my Brooks Ghost 4's had been discontinued and I wasn't sure if the 5's would work for me. I spent an hour or so trying on about 6 different pairs and finally settled on a pair of Mizuno Wave Inpires. Verdict after wearing them for a month? LOVE them. I get support and spring, but I can actually feel my feet hitting the ground. The Ghost 4's were pillowy and glidy...and sometimes maybe a bit too cushy. But I'm in love and may just be a Mizunos convert....we shall see!

The month ended with a little reflection on the mental aspects of injury recovery.... I am doing it right...and in the right frame of mind at the moment. It's just requiring an infinite amount of patience.