Monday, August 5, 2013

July: In Which I Ragnar'd Again.

Reusing this one. It's just so perfect.

So Ragnar happened again. Best time ever. I cannot wait to do it again. I want to do every single one....I guess I should start a Race Bucket List. There are many more to conquer so I'd better start saving my pennies. 

Pre - Relay....before we checked em all off.

61 Kills.....not too shabby.

I spent the rest of the month after doing Ragnar writing about Ragnar. You can read all about it here: Start, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and The Big Finish, among a few other posts. The other thing I did this month was join a gym. Which I am excited about. I've been several times already and have definitely have a new-found inspiration to really focus on my weak spots and get in shape. And prevent injury - that is the goal. So far so good. Can't wait until I am actually seeing some results! I still haven't lost all of the 40 lbs I gained when I quit smoking...and I finally ready to be rid of it. Forward motion- it's a good thing.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Ragnar Relay NW Passage: Odds, Ends and Van 2

I had to do a final post with some of my favorite random pictures. Also included here is a little peak into what Van 2 experienced along the way. After two years in a row in Van 1, I think I really want to be in Van 2 next year to experience a different part of the course. 

Our friend Holly, from the Wear Blue team and I at the start.
Photo credit: @deidracanfly

I love this shot.
Photo credit: @deidracanfly 

Deception Pass - on the way home.

  Bad JuJu and I.D.10.T 
Photo credit: Maniac

Honey Badger tagging some vans, Duckie style.
Photo credit: Lucke

 Found these 'tags' on the van when I was cleaning it....

 Rag Swag - Two Medals.

Honey Badger don't care....She is one tough Duckie!
Photo credit: Lucke

Beast, Lucke and Honey Badger: "Are they here yet?"
Photo credit: Lucke

Woot! I made it. 
Photo credit: Maniac

 Fury - running 'like a Ross'. 
Photo credit: Maniac
Big smile - despite the big road bite out of her hand.

 Early on....can't wait to till next year!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ragnar Relay NW Passage: The Big Finish

We did it. No big deal.
Photo credit: Lucke

Once we saw Van 2 off for their final set of legs, we were ready for breakfast in a big way. They sell pancakes and eggs at the last major exchange so we headed over to eat since we were pretty famished. Food wasn't too bad.....meaning it was edible. The eggs looked funny and even though we were told they were 'real', @deidracanfly was convinced they were military eggs. Apparently they use real eggs, but they are already broken out of the shells and put in big bags so they end up tasting different/weird. Ahhh the flavor of food cooked for the masses; always delicious.

After eating, we decided to make our way to the finish. We were headed to the car when we saw this guy:

I didn't know it at the time, but his team was called "Holidays Ragnar Style".
So I guess he was cupid?

They won the 'Farout Fashion' Award, as voted on by 
teams along the course. Source.

But back to us.....after fighting over who's new boyfriend that guy was, we drove down to the Fairgrounds at Langley. It didn't take long and once we were there, we realized that we had a few hours to kill. Usually by that point in the relay, everyone is pretty tired and just wants it to be over already. We all did our own thing once we got there....there was some van napping, some eating, some finish line watching and more shopping for Rag Swag. The earlier fog burned off and it got hot again....but Van 2 was pushing through and making pretty good time, despite the heat and the fact that we were a little off on our time calculations. 

 Wear Blue Team! They were FAST and totally kicked butt on their first
Ragnar. They started an hour after us and finished a couple hours before us.....Speedy McSpeedersons.

Before too long, we got word that Lucke was out - running the very last leg. Van 2 arrived, parked and we all met up at the finish so we could run him in. We were getting ready but thought we had another 10 minutes or so....and then all of sudden he was there! So we made our little tunnel for him to run through and then we all ran together to the finish. What an amazing 32 hours with a great group of people I am proud to call friends, my fellow runners and best of all, my Duckies. 

Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies - sporting some serious bling.