Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ragnar Relay NW Passage: Recap Pt. 2

We left off after the first major van exchange at Bellingham HS. We were starving - like eat a dirty child starving. So we ended up at the same place we went last year after finishing our first round - Bob's Burgers and Brew. It didn't hit the spot like it did last year though. It's entirely possible it was because I was too smart not to eat a bacon burger last year....that was a bad bad meal choice; it was in a lump at the bottom of my throat for my entire first leg. After grubbing down, we headed directly down to the next major exchange - Burlington HS. We had a couple hours to rest, stretch, and shower if we needed to. Break time was over before long though and it was time for Round 2.

#meanjess ready for her 4.5 miles

I was starting to get my 'pre-race' nerves...it was weird sitting the first round out; it made me all the more ready once it was finally my turn. I was also not feeling great since it was approximately a zillion degrees out and the aforementioned burger was not digesting well. But I was still ready to bust it out on fresh legs.

First hand-off picture - and we are twinsies! 
Leg 1 - 3.8 miles.
Photo credit: I.D.10.T

I didn't really pay attention to the route that this leg was on. Turns out, I was running right past where I went to college. I didn't even realize it until all of a sudden, I was right next to it and thinking...'hmmm this looks familiar'. It was a bit hilly, a LOT sunny and pretty warm but I still made good time. 

More handoff pictures!! Sending Crazy Lady off on her 6.7 miler.
Photo credit: I.D.10.T

Leg 1 - I ran for SSG Nathan Wyrick
KIA 10/10/2011 OEF
WB - R2R

Despite the ginormous farm country mosquitos, this was my favorite set of Legs. We were just starting to get a little loopy but still firmly in 'runner's high' territory. This is when the fun starts people. After Crazy Lady got us all the way to La Conner, it was I.D.10.T's turn. The exchange was at this really cute little church. It was beautiful, but all of a sudden the sun set and the temps dropped about 15 degrees just like that. 

Nice little 4.1 miles through farm country at dusk....
he only ate a couple bugs. Gulp.

The exchange where Rob handed off to Bad JuJu was another great little country place - this time a roadside produce stand. There was also ice cream cones - which was a hot seller with this large group of hot, sweaty runners. 

Pickles are an excellent re-hydrating option if you are wondering. 
Salty goodness - which went well with the ice cream cone Crazy Lady is eating...

For this leg, Bad JuJu decided the Leroy needed to get some exercise too. So she brought him along. Unfortunately, he wasn't a very good running partner. He made the rookie mistake of wearing jeans to run in and lost them about a mile in....So Leroy was banished back to the van to think about what he did and Bad JuJu finished up her 8.1 miles like a champ.

We quickly realized that Leroy was better as a mascot - 
once he lost his pants, it was all over. 

By the time Juju was done, it was dark and Obama Money had to run her last 5.6 miles of the day. This brought us all the way to La Connor HS for the final major exchange over to Van 2 for the night shift. There was supposed to be food for sale here, but it was gone by the time we got there....so no dinner for us. We decided to head straight to the next major exchange (Oak Harbor HS) to get some sleep so we could be ready for our final legs early in the morning. 

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