Thursday, May 31, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

2 Longs Runs in 1 Weekend = Ice Bath

Yes, that is all the ice in my freezer.
No, it wasn't enough.

So so tired. But those miles I pledged are complete! First time I've ever done two long runs in one weekend. Saturday was nearly 9 and today I hit 11--a total of 20 in three days. Good thing all my weekend chores are done (laundry, clean house, full fridge) so I can go take a nap now! 

Recovery routine complete. Hitting the showers and then gonna slide myself into some compression gear to help with the soreness. And nap. Did I mention the nap? 

Happy Memorial Day everyone!

Make Yourself Mondays

Running.....lots of running.

Memorial Day Run for the Fallen -- Running in Honor Of....

Air Force Senior Airman Ashton Goodman, who died at age 21 on May 26, 2009. Senior Airman Goodman died when a roadside bomb exploded as she drove in Afghanistan near Bagram Airfield. She had only joined the Air Force 3 years prior, but was on her second deployment. Goodman, a vehicle operator dispatcher, was assigned to the Panjshir Provincial Reconstruction Team and deployed from the 43rd Logistics Readiness Squadron at Pope Air Force Base, N.C. She grew up in Indianapolis.

Senior Airman Goodman mentored Panjshir’s female Afghan leadership, advancing the economic and social development of women in the province. On May 18, she helped deliver much-needed food and house supplies to more than 100 poor women. “Her vivacious spirit, zest of life, and eagerness to experience it all will forever be remembered by our team,” said Capt. Stacie N. Shafran.

In high school, she was member of the Japan Club and participated in the Zoo Teen Club, in which she volunteered at the Indianapolis Zoo. She was training to become a biologist. She is survived by her parents, Vicki and Mark, and stepmother, Chasity.

Reading about her life, I came across a feature about women soldiers that was published in O Magazine (May 2010 issue) and was really moved by the story about her, Finding Ashton. She was so young and so brave. Her boyfriend, who was fighting elsewhere in Afghanistan at the time, wrote this message on her facebook page:

The moon is lonesome without you, but I look at it each night as it rises and see you staring back at me. I hope you are at peace. I miss you baby. Always fighting strong for your dreams, my little hummingbird. —David

For her and all the American Soldiers who made the Ultimate Sacrifice. I Wear Blue: Run 2 Remember.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Time I Had a Gu and Didn't Die

The first time I ate some Gu I spit it out. And it took about an hour of drinking water before I stopped tasting it. So I've been using Sport Beans as my mid run fuel ever since. I tried the chewy things that are more like fruit snacks but a little softer and wasn't really a fan. So I've pretty much stuck with the beans, which I'm now getting super sick of.

Fruit Flavors=Bad
So I got this idea that maybe it was the flavor of gel I didn't like and perhaps the fruity ones I'd tried (twice for the record- spit it out the second time as well, sadly) were just the wrong choice. A spoonful of chocolate frosting made me think that I might like chocolate or a similar flavor so I picked some up. Ate a Chocolate Gu on my run today and not only was it not gross- I actually liked it! Excited for some new choices for fuel and that it didn't make me spit it out....

Chocolate = Frosting = Good

Friday, May 25, 2012

Not Too Late to Pledge Some Miles


So close to the goal of 6,460 miles. 
As of 7:28am this morning, the total number of miles pledged was 5,812.

If you haven't already pledged some miles, click here to do so.There are also meetups planned in the Seattle area, as well as nationwide. Join one or simply walk/run around your neighborhood. What better way to celebrated Memorial Day by honoring those that have made the Ultimate Sacrifice.NO COST for this event, as the price has already been paid.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Training for Ragnar

 I want this medal holder thingy.....

I am belatedly getting around to tweaking my existing training schedule for Ragnar. And hoo boy....I feel like I am really behind! I didn't really think that my measly little 15.7 miles over 24 hours would be that big a deal. That I could just do a few back to backs beforehand and I'd probably survive.

But after taking a closer look at the way the legs shake out....I realized I need to do more. My reasoning for deciding to do my first full marathon nearly one year after completing my first half marathon was because I want to CONQUER the full, not merely survive it. The same holds true for this relay. So I'm glad I finally got off my arse and started planning!

I realized between the Memorial Day Run for the Fallen (which has me doing two long runs this weekend-Sat and Mon) and the Rock and Roll next month, the weekends between aren't that many. And the relay is only 3 WEEKS LATER! Oy vey. So I decided that doing 5 back to backs before then is what I need to get ready.

My legs work out to be an 8.2 mile the first day mid-morning. Second leg is 3.5 miles about 10pm that night. Third and final leg is 4.0 miles at 7:30am the next morning. Even though an 8 miler isn't really all that long, I am definitely at the point where I am still pretty sore the next day after long runs. I'd love to say I can run a half marathon and still be upright the rest of the day, but sadly, I'm usually hobbling around my house grimacing with every step.

The plan goes something like this: 3 of the back to backs with be 2 legs; 2 will be 3 legs....AKA...the "Triple". They will follow the same day; next morning format to replicate the relay leg timing for the most part. And these are spread over about 6 weeks to give me good recovery time. No injuries, yo! That's what it's all about.

First 'Double Run' is only halfway there, but it was hard to squeeze in so it's a start! 
      5 mi - easy; PM run
      5 mi - easy; AM run (next day)
Second 'Double Run' 
     6 mi - easy; AM run
     4 mi - easy; PM run (same day)
First Triple Back to Back
     5 mi - easy; AM run
     4 mi - easy; PM run (same day)
     4 mi - easy; AM (next day)
Third Double Run
     8 mi - easy; AM run
     3 mi - easy; PM run (same day)
Final Triple Back to Back (exact same mileage as my Ragnar legs)
     8.2 mi - easy; AM
     3.5 mi - easy; PM (same day)
     4.0 mi -easy; AM (next morning)

Doing this on NO sleep will probably not be replicated, but I figure it's close enough. I will hopefully be utilizing a combination of adrenaline and caffeine to power through that part! So there it is...the Ragnar Relay training plan. Immediately following that, I'll launch into 11 weeks of intensive full marathon training. Tweaking that plan now so I'll post when I'm done.I am excited to enter this new phase of training!

 Bumping up my game and the mileage.....Jersey Fist Pump-Go!