Man Up Month check in time....Heroes Half is in the bag and I'm feeling pretty good. But I am tired for sure. This last race, the negative splits were super awesome...but I was more sore than I normally am after a race/run of that length. But nothing a little QT with the foam roller couldn't loosen up. I have a feeling that this is going to become a nightly routine. Since I finally figured out what to do with the thing, I've been pleasantly surprised how much it helps loosen tight muscles up.
Recovery from this one is a little different than what I've done before. I normally take two full rest days and keep it light and easy for the week. I took Monday off but hit the pavement today for a nice shakeout run. It actually felt pretty good, but I could tell my legs were tired. And the rest of the week will be a pretty much normal week. Long run on Saturday like usual and then a slight taper (one extra rest day) on race week. Post race, I plan to take a week of light mileage to give my body a chance to recover and then it's all about the Rock and Roll and tweaking the plan for Ragnar.
Man up Month--second half. Let's do this!
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