Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Time I Had a Gu and Didn't Die

The first time I ate some Gu I spit it out. And it took about an hour of drinking water before I stopped tasting it. So I've been using Sport Beans as my mid run fuel ever since. I tried the chewy things that are more like fruit snacks but a little softer and wasn't really a fan. So I've pretty much stuck with the beans, which I'm now getting super sick of.

Fruit Flavors=Bad
So I got this idea that maybe it was the flavor of gel I didn't like and perhaps the fruity ones I'd tried (twice for the record- spit it out the second time as well, sadly) were just the wrong choice. A spoonful of chocolate frosting made me think that I might like chocolate or a similar flavor so I picked some up. Ate a Chocolate Gu on my run today and not only was it not gross- I actually liked it! Excited for some new choices for fuel and that it didn't make me spit it out....

Chocolate = Frosting = Good

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