Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week 18 in Review -- 6 Days until Kirkland Half

 For a post-half week, it felt pretty normal. I did nearly 25 miles and actually started doing a little more core work while stretching post run. I've been meaning to start doing some arm/weight work and sit ups for a while now. I've just been too lazy, I guess. But I finally decided to start. My core definitely needs some strengthening if I want to get faster. That is a fact.

This week, I started to get to know my Ragnar teammates over Facebook a little better and the more we plan and talk and share what races we are doing with one another, the more I get excited for the relay. This is going to be so much fun! And these guys are going to be a blast.

Rest. Took the day off from work. And joined a Ragnar Relay team. Cannot.Wait.

First time for everything! Only took one rest day after Sunday's half. Hit the pavement for a nice easy recovery run. It actually felt good, but the legs were feeling somewhat sluggish.
4.33 mi; 44:47; 10:21

This run felt easier and I felt a bit faster. Still took it easy for the most part though. Spent time with the foam roller all week and it really helped loosen things up.
5.38 mi; 52:50; 9:50

Last run of the week...nice easy loop. Kept up with core and arm exercises all week. A little sore from that, but that good kind of sore.
3.46 mi; 35:11; 10:11

Rest day. Went to bed really early since I was pretty tired from the week.

Long run. Was excited to get out there since it was a beautiful day. But I was really tired. I usually take it easy the week after a half. Not this week. Hit it hard again, and despite taking an extra rest day, still hit 25 miles.
11.18 mi; 2:03:33; 11:03

Rest. And a nap. Need I say more?

Next week, I'll do a slight taper, but not much. Kirkland half on Sunday! And that will be the conclusion of Man Up Month.

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