Friday, May 17, 2013

Mapping Some Runs in NYC

The Big Dream: Someday I'll do this sort of running in NYC....

I am headed to NY for a work trip next week. And I cannot wait. It'll be my second time visiting the city and this time, I plan to get in at least three runs. Last time I went, I had just started my running love affair and ended up walking so much around the city that I never ended up getting a run in. This time, that will not be the case. 

Central Park - here I come!

I plan to get two runs in early morning along the Hudson River Greenway, which is about 5 blocks from my hotel. I'll do one in either direction - one south towards lower Manhattan/Battery Park and the second one will be north headed towards the West Village. My final run in the city will be in Central Park. Can't run in NYC without visiting the park. It would be tragic not to.

I will be sure to post pictures from my travels next week. I really really wish I was able to get in a day early b/c the Brooklyn Half Marathon is happening Saturday. It might be fun to spectate that one, since their field grew from something like 7,000 last year to nearly 25K this year. I guess that is what happens when the two biggest marathons in the U.S. are impacted by terrorists and an act of mother nature in the same Marathon season.

Happy Running this weekend everyone!

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