But about the time my calf started to feel better, my hamstring upper tendon really started bothering me again. Not really sure why exactly but it's been hurting off and on since then. I got in 4 decent 3 milers in the month of November, but again, was not really feeling it. Overall malaise, weight gain from not running and being super out of shape really made those particular runs not very enjoyable. And after every one, I was sore for a full day - a combo of out of shape sore and injury pain. So running more than once a week just felt like too much. Man how far I've fallen. I miss long runs like nobody's business. I want to race again so badly.
All of this non-running has really put me in a funk. I am starting to feel like I'll never be 'normal' and injury free again. I just keep getting re-injured. I am not sure if it's because I am not being smart and working up slowly like I did in the beginning when I'd had very little running experience or if I am just dealing with chronic injuries that are exacerbated by my stubbornness. I went on a run for the first time in a couple weeks yesterday and I was really winded. Embarrassingly so. And it occurred to me that injury-wise, I probably should be working it like I was when I was in PT. I think I need to go back to the walk/run intervals for a while and build back up as well as doing my PT exercises regularly again. That is very likely the reason that my hamstring tendon is bothering me again. I stopped taking care of it properly.
So I am making my way back - slowly and with more smarts I hope. I've sadly gained over 10 lbs and I feel it in a big way. I have never been this big - with the exception of when I was pregnant. So Operation Starve the Beast is under way big time. I found a good food tracking app that I like so far called "Lose It" and I've started tracking my food - trying to be as honest as possible. That has always been my downfall in the past. I've half-assed it by not logging everything I stuff in my face, cheating a bit on how much I am eating, thus not recording the calories properly. I feel pretty disgusting so it's officially time to make some changes. Like when I quit smoking 5 years ago. All of sudden I was ready so I quit.
Along with cutting way back on unhealthy foods, portion control and in general just being a more cognizant eater, I'm going to really step up the cross training. Running may not be in the cards for me to be doing with any regularity this month, but I am going to be doing some yoga and strength training. Hello Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Starting in January, our gym membership starts up again so I'll be incorporating some classes and the elliptical. I think for now, given how injury prone I seem to be, I need to start building back up my cardiovascular prowess in a non-stress inducing way so the elliptical will be a good way to get some mileage in without putting further stress on my hamstring tendon.
So there you have it. I got hurt, got depressed and then got fat. But I am going to try to shake it off - the depression that is and keep things positive. I can do this. I came back from worse so I just need to get to it and make it happen. And hopefully 2014 will lead me back to a better place.
I'll close with the highlight of my weekend. One of my friends did her first 50k this weekend and I went out to support her - for the record, she totally rocked it!
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