It’s here. This is the month I run two half marathons. I’m a little nervous about how my body is going to hold up. Especially since my weekly and monthly mileage has been the highest it’s ever been and I ran a race 3 weeks ago. I am feeling good right now so I think this is going to be a good experience. Listening to my body is going to be key – and getting enough rest, hydration and good nutrition over the course of the next month will be my focus.
Man up month, was somewhat inspired by this girl…..She’s been doing her own, much more hardcore Man Up Week and I am seriously in awe.
Check it out: She ran the Gansett Marathon in RI on Sat 4/14. Followed by a kick a$$ performance at Boston on Mon 4/16. She’s back in her home state on the West Coast now and is starting the Ragnar SoCal Ultra Relay today, continuing on into tomorrow. All of this is going to be capped off with the San Luis Obispo Marathon on Sun 4/22. [Note-she’ll be doing her encore performance next Sun 4/29 at the Eugene Marathon.]
If that is not super insane, I don’t know what is! I can’t compare myself to people like that. This girl is, I am convinced, a genetically blessed anomaly. Either that or she’s a robot. I say that with a huge amount of respect—especially considering that this isn’t even that out of the norm for her. She regularly runs back to back marathons and her daily runs are typically in the double digits. See? She’s a robot.
She’s also incredibly funny and self-depreciating for such a talented runner. I enjoy following along….and find inspiration in her dedication. All of which sort of possessed me to sign up for 4 half marathons in 4 months, after only completing one prior to that. And two of them will be in the next 4 weeks.
So it’s here—my Man Up Month! Here’s to staying healthy, running strong and having a really good time.
wow, thank you for the kind words. im going to print this post out, blow it up and fly it behind an airplane for the world to see.
You are a machine woman! I am so impressed with your week. I hope you are enjoying your champagne, putting your feet up and taking some much deserved rest today. Thanks for reading.
I'm a big fan of skinnyrunner...she's awesome and so her posts!
Huge fan of hers too! But you are pretty awesome as well lady! Have fun on your halfs!!!
Love SR, too! Good luck with your races! She inspired me, too. I have done a half every month this year (the ole new year's resolution). I am even amping it up already--I am doing 2 a month for the next few months. Hopefully, I will be running a full by the end of the summer.
Good luck again!
I know, right? She's absolutely hilarious. And she's living the dream! :)
Thanks for stopping by to cheer me on Amanda! Battling some pre-race nerves but getting excited!
Wow! A half every month and now two-pretty amazing! One of my new years resolutions was a race a month for this just so happened that Mar-June were half marathons each month! They are so addicting...I am waiting with bated breath for the NYC Marathon lottery results tomorrow-really want that to be my first full. We'll see!
Thanks for the kind words! The running community is so awesome!
Good luck with Man up Month! I am an SR reader as well. She's great!
You will rock you Man up month!!!! Look forward to reading more about it!
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