Monday, April 30, 2012

Ragnar Relay: NW Passages....It's ON!

I just joined a team and I am beyond excited. I love it when things just come together....I've had my eye on this one for a while and thought it would be a really great way to meet some other runners.  Got a little more inspired reading all about So Much Cooler Online's Ultra Ragnar Relay experience. the post race high I'm still riding, I joined a team today. Woot woot!

NW Passages  is "190 miles of stunning Washington scenery" and 12 people in two (probably) smelly vans running like a bunch of crazy people. What could be more fun?

It's going to rock....Thanks to the super cool girl I met at yesterdays' race for inviting me! I even got to recruit a member to make the team complete! More details to come after I find out which leg I'll be doing...there is one that is pretty scary looking...a little over 24 miles in all. But it could be done. Possibly by me. I volunteered so I just might end up doing it if no one else wants to!

Bring it. 

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