Monday, April 30, 2012

The Ugly Shirt Pile (AKA Dear Race Director)

No, this is not a bowl of orange and lime sherbert.

The Races depicted on these shirts have been obscured to protect the guilty. Psssttt.....Race Directors. Over here. Can we please all agree to not make ugly race shirts? Pretty please? Speaking for myself, I love the tech shirts and medals that come with half marathons. Aside from, you know, running more miles, it's part of what distinguishes them from shorter races. And runners like to wear them. They are usually really lightweight, comfy and good for running. And I don't know about the rest of the country, but runners here in the NW, wear the sh*t out of their race shirts, especially IN races. (And, as evidenced by any scroll through a set of race pics, they also wear them during the actual race they received them for...bad race juju in my opinion, but that is a pet peeve for another post.)

That's the goal, right? To have your race shirt be proudly worn by a finisher in a subsequent race--that's good marketing right there. So please tell me why these shirts have to be so ugly? Really. They are putrid. I can't even bring myself to wear them around the house. So can we find some other colors? Pretty please with a cherry on top?


Rachel E. said...

Another pet peeve is when they run out of your size and you gave them your size when you registered! UGH! ...really the lime isn't too bad...

TheUnforgivingMinute said...

I know! I had that happen to me too. The lime one isn't too terrible, but what you can't really see in the picture is the strange cut. I get that unisex shirts aren't going to please all the ladies and gentleman out there....but this one is a Small-- and is WAY bigger than that and the sleeves are these sort of 3/4 length. It's tragic--where is Tim Gunn when you need him?