Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 15 in Review --13 Days until Heroes Half

There was some serious plague-like germs around me this week....but I didn't get sick! Two co-workers had pneumonia, strep and influenza B in their homes; my kid was down and missed school for three days of cold complete with a fever. Knock on wood, I didn't/haven't yet gotten it.

I felt kind of nasty and came home early to keep an eye on the Girl, since her fever was pretty high. Missed my run but was able to make up the mileage so all was not lost.
3 miles easy

Doubled up today to get nearly 6 in to make up for Monday's missed run. Felt better, although the Girl was not....she actually didn't have a fever all day until the late afternoon when it started creeping up again.
5.4 mi; 47:21; 8:46

Tempo run...nailed it. Felt good too. This week was muggy though. Went out in a tank every day.
5.86 mi; 57:05; 9:45

Nice easy 3 miler to round out the week.
3.46mi; 33:08; 9:34

Rest day.

Long out early to enjoy the sunshine and was down to my tank top by mile 1.5. Beautiful day and a very nice run. Ice bath after felt good too.
11.01 mi; 1:55:47; 10:31

Rest day....still pretty sore from yesterday. Two weeks until my next race! Got to stay healthy so I can keep up the training level...28 miles planned for next week!

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