Sunday, April 1, 2012

March 2012: In which I hit my highest mileage in a month.

For a month in which I felt like I was just not getting it done, I actually pulled off a monthly mileage PR. Crazy....since my last couple months peaked out in the high 80's. So that tells me that I despite my perception, I managed to step it up and get back to consistently nailing my training plan--for the most part. I beat myself up so much when I miss a day or don't quite get the mileage this is a good motivator to head into training cycle #3. Every month from now until the last Half Marathon in my series (Seattle RnR in June) calls for over 100 mile months. Since spring is also slooowly getting here in the NW, I am ready to take it on!

March's weather on the other hand, definitely came in like a lion. Tons of rain, wind and grey skies...even a bit of snow in the middle of the month. My long runs in March were really enjoyable even so. Varying the route is really important because it helps to stave off boredom and keeps things challenging. And the varying the timing of the hills in each run ultimately helped me do much better than I expected at the MI Half.

March also brought my first ice bath. Ever. It wasn't too awful, and actually felt pretty good to get my sore legs completely numb. And even though I had a less than stellar training cycle, I decided to chalk it up to the luck of the season and move on.

I closed the month out with a 9 min PR a the MI half and a new monthly mileage high. All in all, it ended up being a great kick off to race season.

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