Thursday, October 4, 2012

September: In Which I Confirm I'll Be Out of Commission For Awhile

Pretty dismal month. A whopping total of zero miles logged. And a confirmation that something was actually wrong with me. Started the month knowing that I needed to see my doctor because I wasn't getting any better after three weeks of PT. Initially, my PT thought we should rule out a pelvic stress fracture. 

But alas, the x-ray showed healthy bones. Next up - MRI. It took over a week to get authorization from my insurance company but it finally came through and I made my appointment. In between all this waiting, I sort of disappeared for a bit...But I am here and alive. Just a tad depressed and cranky.

The experience of my first MRI, complete with hip injection of Iodine and MRI contrast solution wasn't super pleasant. And I was pretty apprehensive about whether anything would actually turn up on it. Well that turned out to be a needless worry. A few days later, the results were in.

I have a "superior lateral and posterior acetabular labral tear", which is a fancy medical way of saying that the labrum (the thing that goes around your hip socket that keeps your thigh or femur in place) is torn. But that's not all! Oh no, there is more fun to be had here. I also have "significant tendinopathy at the hamstring attachment"....which is fairly self explanatory. The tendons attach your hamstring to your pelvis, and when they get angry and inflamed, it's called tendonitis or tendiopathy (essentially the same thing)....
I obviously will not be able to run the Portland Marathon this weekend. My doctor gave me the ok to walk until I am in that won't be very long...anticipating about 5-7 miles, max. My awesome friend Jess coincidentally also has a labral tear so she is walking/jogging as well so at least I'll have company. The rest of the gang will be running still so hopefully I'll be able to watch most or all of them cross the finish line. And we'll have our group dinner Saturday night so I'll get to catch up as well. October is bound to be mile-less -- I'm on at least 4 more weeks rest, then I can possibly start PT again. I will try not to completely disappear.

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