Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hills. Oh the F'in Hills.....

Had a really amazing time running this race. I planned to take it easy on this one considering there are 3 more coming up in the next 3 months. But I ended up with a nearly 8 minute PR. And it was super sunny and really beautiful out. Perfect conditions for sure.

Um. Except for one thing. Well more than one. There were some serious hills in this race. I mean no joke- I must have said out loud at least two or three times "you have got to be f'in kidding me." Take a look at the elevation...

Full recap to come tomorrow. I am seriously beat tonight. So tired that even though I've been getting super excited about the return of Mad Men tonight, I am not even going to stay up. I can barely keep my eyes open right now and it's only 6:55pm.

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