Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ouch.....AKA Taper Week Starts Early

...Like about 7 miles early. I had 12 planned yesterday. But on Friday, the outside of my right foot started to hurt. I iced, elevated, took care of it, etc. Felt ok Saturday so decided to set out and see how I felt. I knew I wasn't going to get in the full mileage but thought perhaps 8 or 9 might feel ok.

Not so much. After about 4 miles, it really started to hurt. Decided to call it a day after 5. Iced, elevated, and babied it all day yesterday. It still hurts.

I didn't want to write about it. Acknowledging it makes it real, not just a temporary little twinge that will go away. But it's still here. So taper starts early....Taking rest today and Monday...easy 4 milers planned for midweek and then rest on Fri/Sat before race day Sunday.

I really hope rest and ice will make this pain go away. Hopefully it's just a little bruising that will heal  in a few days....*sigh*

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