Saturday, April 28, 2012

Rest Day--Nerves nerves go away.....

The pre-race nerves always get me, every time, no matter the length of the race. So I like to stay busy the day before so I'm not stewing in my own nerve soup by sitting around "resting"....

So busy day planned....errands! Goodwill load drop off (did a little spring cleaning), grocery store and then I'm coming home to make a few pans of brownies, AwesomeMomStyle, before heading out for my afternoon engagement. My kid is part of this amazing academic organization outside of school and for the first time in my life, I signed up to be on the Parent Advisory Group, basically their version of the PTA. We are hosting an event this afternoon, thus the mad brownie making that will be going on in my kitchen later today. Good times....

And tonight, I'll eat a good carby dinner, spend a little quality time with my foam roller and hit the sack early! Will be up and at em bright and early so I can leave by about 6am tomorrow morning for the race.....

More to come on that. It'll be my first race proudly wearing my Wear Blue shirt....and I think I've found the soldier to whom I'll be dedicating my run to. Stay tuned....

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