Wednesday, November 7, 2012

October: In Which I "Complete" My 1st FULL Marathon

I began October knowing that I was going to be on complete rest and that PT was on hold for the time being. Then I completed my first full marathon a few days later. I had been mentally preparing myself for about a month that I wouldn't be able to run it and was resigned to the idea of walking just part of it and not finishing. I was trying to get excited but wasn't really feeling it. But we had planned a whole we went anyway.

I planned to only walk a few miles and then bow out. I ended up walking the entire thing. I am a finisher. Boo ya! Perhaps because I was walking in honor of this guy....

Army Command Sgt Major Kevin Griffin, KIA 8/8/12

 I packed with only walking a little bit in mind and didn't prepare for the day at all. I ended up incredibly hot, in the wrong clothes, ill prepared to fuel my body and sunburned. But I did it.

We did the whole 26.2 miles taking turns carrying the flag. Every step was worth it and I am so glad I ended up doing it. I also think not deciding till the last minute helped me actually complete it. It felt so surreal the whole time and I didn't ever really get a chance to freak out about walking that many miles with no training. Or preparation of any kind, really.

Overall, I loved the Portland Marathon and there's a very good chance I'll be back for a rematch next year....And this time I will run it, I'll knock hours off my time and I won't feel quite so horrible the whole week afterwards.

Total Miles for October: 26.2

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