Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mid Year Check In - 2012 Goals

It's June. You know what that means, folks. It's time for a mid-year check in. You know, like they do at work....In January of this year, I wrote a post detailing my 2012 goals. Unrelated: Mileage for the year, as of 6/5/12 is 482. Not too shabby. Without further ado--here are my goals for the year and how I'm doing, score included. First, the big goals:

*Train year round-for the entirety of 2012
....Killing it. I've trained like clockwork all 6 months of the year so far. And I just finished my training  schedule through October so I'm definitely on track to meet that goal! 4/5 Exceeds Expectations.

*Run 1 race per month - 12 races for 12 months
....Done and done! Jan and Feb were 5k's, Mar, April and May were half marathons. I also have my race schedule all mapped out till the end of the year so that one is in the bag as well, if all goes according to plan. 5/5 Outstanding

*Run at least 3 half marathons
....Already done and planning on two more at least before the year's end. 5/5 Outstanding.

*Run my first full marathon
.....Planning to run the Portland Marathon on October 7th. 26.2 - bring it! 3/5 - Meets Expectations, but only b/c I haven't started training for it and it's still a few months out.

*Become more social with my running
.....Getting there. I joined a Ragnar Relay team for NW Passages in July so there is 11 other running obsessed people I've brought into my life so far...Meeting more runners to race with -- but I need to make more plans to run with folks when I'm not racing. Will keep me from getting too complacent in my routine. 3/5 Meets Expectations.

So far so good. Tracking to meet these goals, without question. I love it when I actually accomplish stuff!

Now, on to the mirco-goals:

*PR's throughout the year
.....So far so good. Every half marathon brings me a better time. Went from a 2:22 my first half to 2:05 in the last one....aiming to hit a sub 2 hour half by years end. Totally gonna nail it. 5/5 Outstanding.

*Pacing--staying consistent and pushing it down to the 8-9 min range
.....Getting there. See above....last half pace averaged 9:36 -- down from 11:08 in my first half. Speed work helps, even though it's a major bitch. 3/5 Meets Expectations

*Doing more consistent speed work
.....Haven't done as many of these workouts as I'd hoped, see above. But I am definitely seeing the benefits so will continue to try to get these in done every other week as planned. 3/5 Meets Expectations

*Cross Training- I wanted to incorporate it into my training
.....Really didn't do much until the last month or so. I really wanted to do yoga and strength training more often but it just hasn't happened. In the last month though, I've been really consistent about getting in some arm/ab work in at least 5 days a week. Can already tell the difference in muscle tone and overall feeling of strength. Will definitely keep at it, as that will only help me bring that pace down further. 2/5 Needs Improvement.

*Blogging-Wanted to figure out not suck at it
.....Getting there! Learning as I go. Did some updates last weekend and love the new look. Going to keep trying new things and teaching myself as much as I can.3/5 Meets expectations.

*Eating Better
......Still continuing to lose the weight I gained after quitting smoking....down about 30 lbs and working on fitting into all my old clothes. Doing better but still not where I'd like to be. Can't be good at everything, right? 2/5 Needs Improvement.

*Taking better care of my body-enough sleep, vitamins, learning how to use the dreaded foam roller, get regular massages
......Working on it. Figured out the foam roller and it's my new BFF. Wish I could afford a massage every month, but I'll have to settle for paying/bribing my daughter to rub my shoulders every now and then. 3/5 Meets Expectations

So there it is. On track to meet many of these goals and I think I will definitely make some serious gains in my running this year.

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