Saturday, January 7, 2012

Let's Do This Again--AKA Adjustments to the Training Cycle

I had intended to start training for the Mercer Island Half on 12/19 but the holidays, a pulled quad, and too much eating thwarted my attempts to stay on schedule. I still got a few runs a week in and did another race so I readjusted the plan. Instead of 14 weeks, I'll be doing 12. Which is actually 2 more than I did in the first cycle. So I feel pretty good about making this one tougher. About 5 weeks in, I bump up to running an additional day each week. And I'll be incorporating some cross training- yoga- into two of my rest days. Sundays will stay for purely rest, although some stretching will probably happen.

Adjusting the plan and staying flexible are key ingredients in keeping at this and staying injury free. I have to listen to the boss. Totally ok with making changes along the way. Did my first long run since the half in November and it felt pretty good, although my pacing was off and I am going to be pretty sore tomorrow. Already feeling it.  But overall, a good first week. Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow before tackling week 2.

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